Wednesday 19 October 2016

dapatan minggu kerjaya

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 salam.hai saturday i have karnival kerjaya jom masuk ipt..and the feedback that i got from the karnival is im so sure that i cannot further medical course because my spm result for science subjet all how can i choose medical course??????????if i want to i have to take the what...bla..bla.. i forgot..and it will take so long time to finish the study about 10 years..and i 'm scared that sepanjang 10 years tu i i think i cannot...but still im hope there is a miracle that i got a phone call telling that i was offered medical conclusion is i won't choose medical course but i"ll chooseeeeeeeeeee......i dont know.. 

tapi aku nak sangat ambil medic and i"ll try my best to get it..mane tahu ada rezeki Allah nak bagi..usaha je dulu yang penting. course lain pon aku cam tak berminat, kalau boleh aku ambil je bidang agama but still medic is number one i prefer

aku nak further study kat usm sebab tu antara u yang aku sempat servey and even aku x bole nak ambil medic banyak course lain yang aku cam berminat..argggghhh..sedih la.ok tetibe..nape aku still tak boleh nak cari jalan lagi bende yang aku nak ambil ni..hmmmm

pastu kalau nak ambil course yang ade interview kena ada muet..muet ambil bulan 3 cane la nak ambil kos medic ni...kesian kat depa yang teringin nak jadi doktor tu..tapi ukm ckp apply je dulu..sebab kadang x tengok pon muet entahla.

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